Thoughts on Presence

Presence is the LOL stat in regards to PvP and End game raiding. It only affects your companions, so no one puts it up on their priority list of things to get when outfitting your toons. However it is important to note that presence is actually pretty useful for a certain phase of the game. I currently have 2 50s. One has all his companions at 10k affection and the other does not.

When we look at the benefit that provides to my level 11 Jedi Knight’s companion we see this result.

Those are some huge bonuses to someone so low. The extra health alone makes it worth it if you are looking at early tanking companions (Corso, Qyzen, T7 to name a few), but even a DPS or Healing companion would benefit.

Let’s now finish the affection grind on the other 50 to get the +10 presence on all my alts.

The increase as you can see will make leveling that much easier. T7 serves as a tanking companion for knights and an extra 250 health makes him that much more durable.