I wanted to take a few moments to summarize some of the activities the Church has been up to lately. The March to 50 Jeezbus was the first Alvian to 50 and since he hit that milestone in late december … Continue reading
Category Archives: Gaming
“You have taken your first step into a larger world.” -Obi-wan, Episode IV – A New Hope Of late, my toon has been racing across the galaxy, conversing with thousands of citizens of the Republic approaching him for help. … Continue reading
This is not about healing in SWTOR, this is a very very broad overview of healing in MMO’s in general. Healing is all about “just enough.” With DPS, you want to do as much as possible, period. With tanking, if … Continue reading
In recent conversation with a guildmate who hasn’t played an MMO in earnest since Galaxies, he confessed he was afraid that his lack of Warcraft experience would hinder him as he went higher in level. This prompted me to want … Continue reading
Twas the last day of SW:TOR’s beta, and I found myself not wanting to move the story forward anymore (despite the fact that I’m playing Republic at launch. So I finished up the arc I was on and went … Continue reading
In the time I’ve been messing around in beta I’ve realized that what you are ordered to do does not always correspond with what side of the force you are trying to build. This presents players with some interesting choices … Continue reading
I was fortunate enough to be chosen to BETA test SW:TOR by BioWare/EA this weekend, and I wanted to give some feedback about my first 12 levels in the game. This is not intended to be a full game review, … Continue reading
NDA lifted, and with it we have a lot of Alvians who have gotten into not just the weekend beta, but the normal beta program. Needless to say we are very grateful to Bioware for this opportunity to play around, … Continue reading
Throughout the history of SWTOR there has been a rumor of the existence of a Legacy System. No one was sure whether it really existed, was something else taken out of context from a Dev misspeak, or the flights of … Continue reading
Games always get compared to other games. Checkers and chess get compared since both are played on board with 64 squares of alternating colors. Hearts, Bridge, and Spades get compared to each other as they are four player card games … Continue reading