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Taris Event Chapter 4

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 3:55 pm
by Arrican
Unfortunately I'm at a new spot in my building. Changed desks. Shit reception not going to be able to be as involved as I'd like. Fucking shit reception.

Re: Taris Event Chapter 4

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 3:57 pm
by Whiteness
"That's just what I wanted to hear...WAITRESS, I'm going to need something a bit stronger, give me what he's having" Syric says as he points at Tony.

"Now, Dood, the four of us earned a sizeable reward for our last job, and picked up some nifty toys as well, one or two you might be interested in, but we need to divvy up the credits and have a quick talk about finances before we get to our next steps. We have 100K from Nolan, and I had suggested setting aside enough to pay back Porky's old man which we can use as an emergency fund and paying back what everyone invested into Aderbrent so far so we can restart on equal footing. After that I think we need to keep wages small and look at either upgrading the ship or trading it in for something that can better suit our needs."

Re: Taris Event Chapter 4

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 4:27 pm
by Dood
"Whatever is necessary for the group. You have all been more involved as late than I have."

Re: Taris Event Chapter 4

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 4:48 pm
by Reese
Klak orders a whiskey and sips it quietly. He finally leans forward

"My good friend, I am glad you are coming back. I fear we have too many options and not enough time. I am also glad we have some more soldiers on this journey now. It would be good of us to use the muscle while we have it. I think its time to take this cohort to find our friend. Investigations will just lead to more splintering and other routes."

Klak sits back unsure anyone would make a decision. All he knew was by the time a decision was made, he would not be sober.

Taris Event Chapter 4

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 4:53 pm
by Arrican
At this juncture I want to move forward as swiftly as possible to find porky. He may not be dead yet, but that doesn't mean his resolve isn't waning. He is only human and he is important to all of us, and apparently the republic as well because of the information he has. I feel comfortable with the repayment of original investments. Would you be so kind as to indulge me recompense for the droids and medical supplies that I purchased for the ship? If not I understand.

Re: Taris Event Chapter 4

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 5:17 pm
by Whiteness
"I guess with the big payday, it wouldn't be much of an issue to consider those purchases as investments in Aderbrent So, I wouldn't mind getting back my credits for SOD also. Here are the numbers I have..."

(Just to make it official)

-From the 100K-
Payback of Cash Investment:
Arillius - 8190
So Leet - 8964
Cuspar - 1036
Syric - 1000
Dood - 370
Total - 19560

Payback of Medical supplies:
surgery kit - 1000
2 field kits - 1000
5 medpacs - 1500
3 fire extinguishers - 150
medical kit - 600
Total - 4250

Paybakc of Droids:
Medical Droid - 4300
Security Droid - 1800
SOD - 600
Total - 6700


Set aside 49490 for ship enhancements/upgrades/etc. leaves 20000 to be split 4 ways

final payout
Arillius - 7190
So Leet - 8964 +4250+6100+5000= 24314
Cuspar - 1036+5000= 6036
Syric - 1000+600+5000= 6600
Dood - 370
Klak - 5000
Aderbrent - 49490 (which brings total company funds to 50640 not including the 10k reserve/Arilius fund)

edit: corrected Arilius' payout

Re: Taris Event Chapter 4

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 5:35 pm
by Cuspar
I agree with that distribution of the credits.

Re: Taris Event Chapter 4

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 6:30 pm
by Bulwark
What type of upgrades are you thinking about for the SweetD? Stealth and transponder switcher may be good things. I would reccomend against weapon upgrades. It would only draw attention. And, I've never seen a freighter shoot its way out of combat, no matter how well armed. Shields and a huge sublight engine would be a better choice.
Also, an upgraded biowaste processing unit. I thing the current one is probably on its last leg.

Re: Taris Event Chapter 4

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 7:51 pm
by Whiteness
Syric starts to glare at Bulwark at his last comment but being happy with drink and being reunited with Dood he smiles and laughs instead, "heh, yeah you're right, that 'fresher sure as hell ain't fresh anymore...but I was thinking we may want to get rid of the ship and get something different. With dodging the Sith on Bryx and Ro' or his girlfriend possibly being alive and an issue, we might want to cut ties to the Delia."

Taris Event Chapter 4

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 8:03 pm
by Arrican
we can take the standing loan we have on the ship and roll it into a new ship but the other loan should be paid off. If we are going to do anything where we need to influence ppl to our benefit being on bothuwai with Dood is probably the best place to be. And I'm not as worried about people seeing us as a shipping company. So let's look at a ship with both cargo and combat capabities.

Re: Taris Event Chapter 4

Posted: Fri May 20, 2011 2:35 pm
by Whiteness
"Alright, I like what you're thinking So, and if we can't go that route I think we should look into the upgrades Bulwark mentioned. Now, Syric lowers his voice, where do we go next? Follow the Tordasium trail, hunt for P'sont and the Avalon or try and contact one of Sargo's Lieutenants? The Tordasium trail will probably take some credits to get the info we were looking for, we only had one lead for P'sont and that was his kids back home and we have 4 Lt's to think about..."

Re: Taris Event Chapter 4

Posted: Sat May 21, 2011 4:53 pm
by Whiteness
"Personally, I think we should see if we can track down P'sont, he is next in line in this chain of events." he says as he looks around the table for comments.

[OOC- is Jax with us? ]

Re: Taris Event Chapter 4

Posted: Sat May 21, 2011 7:04 pm
by Blackferne
I am under the assumption Jax is with you.

Re: Taris Event Chapter 4

Posted: Sun May 22, 2011 1:46 am
by Bulwark
Whiteness wrote:"Personally, I think we should see if we can track down P'sont, he is next in line in this chain of events." he says as he looks around the table for comments.

[OOC- is Jax with us? ]
This sounds goof to me

Re: Taris Event Chapter 4

Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 3:15 pm
by Blackferne
So unless there is an objection posted in the next 8 hours I'm going with the money distribution Whitey proposed. Bulwark, Tony, and Jax get 12k each in their banks as part of salary.

Re: Taris Event Chapter 4

Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 4:52 pm
by Arrican
I object in having to wait that long for my money!!!! j/k

Re: Taris Event Chapter 4

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 5:19 pm
by Furiel
Whiteness wrote:"Personally, I think we should see if we can track down P'sont, he is next in line in this chain of events." he says as he looks around the table for comments.

[OOC- is Jax with us? ]
"I guess we can take everyone else's extended silence as confirmation that this is next, what's your plan Slim?"

Re: Taris Event Chapter 4

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 5:48 pm
by Whiteness
Furiel wrote:
Whiteness wrote:"Personally, I think we should see if we can track down P'sont, he is next in line in this chain of events." he says as he looks around the table for comments.

[OOC- is Jax with us? ]
"I guess we can take everyone else's extended silence as confirmation that this is next, what's your plan Slim?"
Syric nods at Tony and looks at the rest of the group before continuing, "We get to work tracking down his kids on Corellia, Dood, do you know anyone here that can help with that? If not I'll get started scanning the HoloNet and seeing what I can dig up. So Leet, would you want to see what options we have to replace or refit our ship? Cuspar, if we're going to continue operating as a shipping company we're going to need some legit cargo, can you get in touch with your old man and see if there's any jobs we can pick up for him out in this sector, maybe see if he would like to invest any credits in our 'fleet expansion'." Syric says with a wink before taking another drink.
"That leaves the muscle. Tony, Bulwark, I'd like one of you to go with So and one to go with Cuspar, that is if Cuspar needs to head out, I don't know if Fossar has an office here or not. Klak, I think you should stick with Dood as long as you can keep your buzz to a functional level. Dood I can tell you have a lot on your mind, and I'm not saying you're shook up, but I think an extra set of eyes on your back wouldn't hurt. " he says before taking a much deeper drink.

Looking at the man he hadn't addressed yet, "Jax, what are your plans? Any assistance would be appreciated, but you probably already understand we are prepared to do things a Jedi like yourself wouldn't if it means getting back our friend. after a moment of thought he continues and I know I didn't get along with him great, but Eli was one of Porkchops friends too, and he was looking for vengeance against a couple Sith, and that I can respect...
"WAITRESS! Another round over here!"

Re: Taris Event Chapter 4

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 6:49 pm
by Cuspar
I'm certain there is a Fossar office here. I will make contact and see what I can do...

[OOC: I am insanely busy at work today and tomorrow, and then am off to a convention from Thursday-Sunday where I'll have minimal time to be on the intarwebz.)

Taris Event Chapter 4

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 7:15 pm
by Arrican
I'll see what I can figure out on the ship. Two things... What's my budget and who do you recommend Dood?

Re: Taris Event Chapter 4

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 7:27 pm
by Whiteness
"As long as we can get the rations and fuel out of the Sweet D and into the new ship I don't see why we couldn't use the entire 50K, but see what you can do with 40K, I'd like to have some credits left over besides what we set aside for the old man. Though I do want a power recharger or two for the ship, but they're fairly cheep. Syric looks around at everyone as he speaks, "Just know, if we do spend all our credits on a new ship, it is very likely we'll have to keep picking up odd jobs as we go."

Re: Taris Event Chapter 4

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 8:41 pm
by Dood
Arrican wrote:I'll see what I can figure out on the ship. Two things... What's my budget and who do you recommend Dood?
"I can't confess to being very familiar with the shipyards in terms of their quality of work. However I can have Polo arrange for a list of the most reputable and affordable yards sent to you."

Taris Event Chapter 4

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 10:24 pm
by Arrican
Dood wrote:
Arrican wrote:I'll see what I can figure out on the ship. Two things... What's my budget and who do you recommend Dood?
"I can't confess to being very familiar with the shipyards in terms of their quality of work. However I can have Polo arrange for a list of the most reputable and affordable yards sent to you."
That works wonderfully.

Re: Taris Event Chapter 4

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 4:42 pm
by Whiteness
Unless Jax responds to Syric, they drink the night away.

Re: Taris Event Chapter 4

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 4:47 pm
by Cuspar
[OOC: I assume since it's night, there's nothing I can do relating to Fossar. Can we move to the next day?]