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The Secret World

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 4:07 am
by Jimer Lins
It has... potential.

I'm really enjoying the beta weekend- the puzzle-based gameplay is quite interesting, and since it's pretty much end-to-end a Lovecraft fan's wet dream, I'm quite having fun.

There's a "Yellow Sign Fish and Chips"? A seafood place with a slogan of "Cobb & Chambers - Fresh From The Deep To your Door"? lol, hell yes.

So many little in-jokes and references that I think maybe .5% of their players will get.

Re: The Secret World

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 1:49 pm
by Bulwark
I am the 99.5%

Re: The Secret World

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 1:50 pm
by Happyclam
What server you playing on?

Heh, look at your map. There's so many references that I doubt anyone catches them all. Anything that has to do with horror and the supernatural. Poe, King, Carpenter, Lovecraft.

Re: The Secret World

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 4:03 pm
by Jimer Lins
Happyclam wrote:What server you playing on?

Heh, look at your map. There's so many references that I doubt anyone catches them all. Anything that has to do with horror and the supernatural. Poe, King, Carpenter, Lovecraft.
I'm on Tarasque as Jimer "VoxMan" Lins.

Re: The Secret World

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 4:05 pm
by Gandolfini
I also played this weekend and agree that it has potential. I'm not sure if I will pick it up.

Graphics are fucking awesome! I had it on ultra and it was very nice.
Open system for character development. I really dug on this as opposed to the classic "class and role"
Atmosphere. Dark and modern.
Character customization was very detailed.
Crafting looks very detailed.

Some quests required a group to achieve the goals.
When grouped, the group chat tab did not automatically appear.
Full screen did not work well. It would bounce you to windowed and then you mouse would be off by about 10 pixels.
No respecing. When you click an ability (no confirmation dialog) it was your forever.
Not much in the way of weapon loot drops. I only received one upgrade to my sword the entire weekend.
Unable to get crafting to work despite having mats.

Re: The Secret World

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 4:18 pm
by Jimer Lins
I think it's about 80-90% likely I'll be getting it. I think most of the lows you described will either be taken care of at launch (I got the feeling the beta version was artificially constrained) or relatively soon thereafter.

Re: The Secret World

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 10:09 pm
by Happyclam
I pre-ordered when it became available.

Jimer's right in that the lows will be taken care of at launch since closed beta is quite a bit ahead of the open beta. As far as weapon drops, you can get upgrades through quests, I got up to QL3. You should also have gotten a glyph or two as well. As far as crafting, it worked for what little I did. Not only do you have to have the mats, but you have to put them in a specific pattern as well, according to what you want to make.

Re: The Secret World

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 10:48 pm
by Happyclam
If anyone wants to give this a try this weekend, here's a code for you. Be cool and let people know you took it. First come, first serve, of course.


And here's the link to download the client: ... /setup.exe