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Flash, Constantine, Gotham Trailers

Posted: Thu May 15, 2014 6:13 pm
by Blackferne
First off the one I think will be the best since Arrow's creators are behind it:

Next Gotham which looks cool but has some questions

And finally Constantine which I think hits the character square on, but I think it may be a bit to much gore for my taste (I'll still watch it)

Re: Flash, Constantine, Gotham Trailers

Posted: Thu May 15, 2014 6:54 pm
by Dashl
Gordon needs a mustache, and I think Constantine looks cool, but nowhere near the level of gore that Hannibal has.

Hannibal is awesome, and everyone needs to watch it. I still can't believe what they get away with being on a network channel. When the local anchors tease the news with the "in 9 minutes", they look pissed off at what they have just seen.

Re: Flash, Constantine, Gotham Trailers

Posted: Thu May 15, 2014 7:17 pm
by Blackferne
My concerns about Gotham totally hinge on how much Bruce Wayne gets used, and how. My dream for the show is Gordon is seeing mob wars tear gotham apart. He has to fight that, and there is a civil war brewing in crime with people like Nygma and Cobblepot being the young upstarts who threaten the older established order. I think Bruce should largely be shielded from that, but would like to see his education and how Wayne Enterprises is run. The comics had a run during Zero Year where you see his uncle Philip Kane running Wayne Enterprises and I think that could be valuable. The younger villains (Catwoman, Ivy etc) can be shown as juvey delinquents, but I'd rather their exposure to Wayne be non existent or minimal. Finally I would say Red Hood is fair game in later seasons, but no Joker. And I'm afraid Joker will get involved.

Re: Flash, Constantine, Gotham Trailers

Posted: Thu May 15, 2014 11:11 pm
by Dashl
Joker will be used for low ratings, or sweeps.

I don't want to see Bruce and Selina dating or going to the pre-teen prom, or any of that crap. I don't want to see Bruce and the young villians go on a field trip to the cornfields of Smallville either.

Re: Flash, Constantine, Gotham Trailers

Posted: Thu May 15, 2014 11:42 pm
by Blackferne
Dashl wrote:Joker will be used for low ratings, or sweeps.

I don't want to see Bruce and Selina dating or going to the pre-teen prom, or any of that crap. I don't want to see Bruce and the young villians go on a field trip to the cornfields of Smallville either.
Yeah that is the other thing no scenes where a Smallville middle school has a field trip to Gotham's museums "Oh hello, my name is Clark."

Basically I'm fine with Penguin starting his rise to power in the underworld, hell use Nygma as his accomplice in a round about way. Have Gordon deal with some juvey crimes on the rest of them. Bruce should be isolated and dealing with that and used sparingly plot wise.

Re: Flash, Constantine, Gotham Trailers

Posted: Fri May 16, 2014 12:43 am
by Jimer Lins
Gotham... I gotta be honest. I'm not feeling it. Feels like DC's version of Muppet Babies.

Flash is interesting, but from that trailer, there's not a lot of meat on those bones.

Constantine looks surprisingly quite good.

Re: Flash, Constantine, Gotham Trailers

Posted: Fri May 16, 2014 4:47 am
by Dashl
My DVR will be very busy this fall.

Gotham (Fox)
Sleepy Hollow (Fox)
The Blacklist (NBC)

The Flash (CW)
Supernatural (CW)
Shield (ABC)

Arrow (CW)

Parks and Rec (NBC, midseason, 13 episodes)
Elementary (CBS)

Constantine (NBC)
Hannibal (NBC, no return date yet)

No return date set for Heroes, probably a midseason thing.

Not the full list, just the ones I want to watch.