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LpDND: Reunions

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2014 6:28 pm
by Blackferne
DM Note: Everyone can go ahead and add 500 quest XP and 500 kill XP (totaling 1000xp) to your character sheets for completion of the 4 room crypt/tower adventures. I will be coming back round for participation and RP xp in PMs this afternoon or this evening most likely. Regardless that 100XP should be enough to get to level 3.

Tony Plus, Syric, the Professor, and Victae are drinking and eating when the others (Ham'mon, Gobo, Trinal. Spintik, and Stavis) walk in just past sunset. Bran greets everyone with an offer of ale and a meal.

It is evening on the 8th of the month of Rabbit.

Re: LpDND: Reunions

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2014 6:59 pm
by Reese
Gobo walks in carrying two great swords with a grimace on his face.

"That building was dirty and we should have burnt it to the ground. It will be a den of thieves and villains again. It was as filthy as this sword"

Gobo holds up the found sword in disgust

"My mother will have my head for carrying this, but I will bless it clean with the blood of the evil which once held it."

Gobo will gesture to Bran or Brandy

"Fine sir, this sword (he will hand him his family sword wrapped in a linen) is very important to my clan and name. Will you place it somewhere safe in your establishment so that I might retrieve it when my time here is done?"

Gobo will then sit with the rest and order ale and cooked meat 'to observe local custom'.

"There is a great evil on this land, these thieves and villains must pay for their crimes. What shall we do now?"

Gobo looks back and forth between Trinal and Tony Plush, unsure of who leads the gathered crew.

Re: LpDND: Reunions

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2014 7:06 pm
by Blackferne
[ooc I love how Gobo speaks like a character from Chinese historical war film. "Cao Cao is a wicked man and must be stopped!"]

Re: LpDND: Reunions

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2014 8:17 pm
by Furiel
"Welcome back friends! Ohhh Tony Plush sees that you got some new toys, we did to. Come, tell us of this goblin tower and it's horrors. Our time in the crypt was quite successful, Tony Plush bagged himself a vampire. With help of course..."

Tony says gesturing to the others at the table

"and we learned a few things. There is definately evil afoot and Tony Plush is all for stomping it out!

Bran, ales all around for the 9 of us, and 5 dinners are likely in order as well!!"

Re: LpDND: Reunions

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2014 8:33 pm
by Staris
Stavis enters still clearing in thought and looks to Gobo after his comment "Yes it is rather curious this town from most appearances is no different then any other yet in the short time the group has joined has run into this cult in two different occurrences. That taking and keeping a tower is no small feat this cult has either been around a lot longer or getting much bolder."

Stave will then sit down accepting the food and drink before looking to the other group. "The short version of our task as you may already figured out, the goblins that where stealing the bodies where again a part of the cult of Bha'al this time in a tower doing some form of rituals."

Re: LpDND: Reunions

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2014 8:57 pm
by Dood
Ham'mon seats himself at the far end of the table and stares at the tabletop. He's "not all there" at the moment.

Re: LpDND: Reunions

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2014 8:57 pm
by Dood
[ooc]New character sheet posted.[/ooc]

Re: LpDND: Reunions

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2014 8:59 pm
by Furiel
"Zombie making factory huh? Just as Tony Plush thought. Our trip to the crypt was interesting to say the least. Of course it had your usual ghosts, ghouls, skeletons, gargoyles and a vampire as well, all of whom met with an untimely re-demise. The real interesting part occured at the end. We overheard the vampire talking to one of his minions. The conversation was interesting because apparently we are dealing with dueling evil factions here. There is a faction for the vampire lord and one for the cult of Bha'al. Tony Plush would not say they are working together per say but they aren't in open opposition either. Apparently the vampire lord faction has sent an envoy to the barbarians in the east to see where they stand. It was also implied that the Bha’alists are searching for relics which COULD actually allow them to bring him back. I can only assume that the one the Nylock recovered is one of them, but they are still looking for more. We HAVE to find those and keep them from the Bha’alists. To Tony Plush that is of paramount importance. It is useful to us that the two aren’t working together because double the evil does not actually mean double the fun. But the vampire lord, or at least his now destroyed minion, did not hold the Bha’alists in high regard.

What likely holds some more clues though are a medallion we recovered that has an image of a Raven and a Snake battling on it and also several letters. The letters are in Draconic though so none of us could read them. Tony Plush was expecting that several of you might be able to.

What clues did you turn up?”

Re: LpDND: Reunions

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2014 9:03 pm
by Whiteness
Hearing Gobo ask 'what shall we do now' Syric sets down his mug and looks at the party "It wasn't too long ago that we were separate individuals with our own lives ahead of us. I'm not sure what force brought us together, but the purpose seems clear to me. There is a great evil afoot and we are the ones tasked with crushing it before more have to suffer. How we go about that is still not clear to me, but I can't imagine it will be an easy task. I think we need to recognize the hardships that will be ahead of us and if anyone wants out, now is the time to speak up."

He passes his gaze to everyone in turn before continuing, "I'm not saying I want anyone to walk away, like I said I think we're here for a reason and I think we all have a new future to forge together, but I think we're far past breaking up a thieving dwarf's foundary. We need to figure out our next steps."

Then with a smile as Bran brings the ale, "Clearly the fist of those steps is another drink!"

Re: LpDND: Reunions

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 1:12 am
by Maizan
Spintik offers a small opinion. "These factions have been in this area for a very long time. They are well established and probably have informants and spy's within this town. On further reflection I think we should be careful what we talk about in these commons area. Any planning should be behind closed doors and in a secure area. Spintik further offers With these groups entrenched in this area, I am sure there are more cells that we should hunt for and clean out. Also, I think we should look at keeping the tower or maybe burning out the inside to cleanse out the stench and then rebuilding it anew.

Re: LpDND: Reunions

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 1:38 am
by Maizan
[ooc]Where do we post our updated character sheets to?[ooc]

Re: LpDND: Reunions

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 3:29 am
by Staris
[OOC Private message Joun the sheet, I send it as a reply to Joun informing me I leveled, if you want to let everyone know what skills you added post viewtopic.php?f=26&t=1637 like I did.]

Re: LpDND: Reunions

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 3:44 am
by Staris
"Using the rebuilt tower would come in quite handy. We would be able to store any items that we would not want lost and the longer we act against these groups the more likely they are to come looking for us. I think all would certainly hate to see the town end up in that cross fire.

Would suggest asking around into what it would take to cleanse, repair, improve, and guard the tower. Would do little good if we are stuck defending and unable to go and and cut down the enemy. May well require holding off on reclaiming for now if the price is too high.

I would be willing to volunteer in asking around in case my negotiation skills can be of use."

Re: LpDND: Reunions

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 12:27 pm
by Whiteness
Syric shakes his head in disagreement, Our calling is to stamp out evil, not to take care of this tower. We should let nature reclaim it and move on."

Re: LpDND: Reunions

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 12:49 pm
by Jimer Lins
[ooc- someone confirm for me how much we were supposed to have gotten from the previous adventure with Heppil? I apparently forgot to update my character sheet with it]

"Oh, that's fine. I simply thought that it would be potentially useful. We can't destroy a stone tower by ourselves, and I don't want to be distracted unduly. We'll want to go back and check on it from time to time, clear out any new vermin that have taken up residence. " Trinal looks at the group. "That is, assuming we plan to both stay together and stay in this area."

Trinal gestures to Ham'mon. "Ham, show the Professor that thing you found. I couldn't make anything of it."

[ooc- Trinal can speak and read Draconic, and Tony et al would probably know that since I spoke it in their presence. If you're still interested in knowing what that thing said, you could let him know about it].

Joun, at some point I'm going to go to the dwarves you mentioned previously and arrange to send all but 50 GP to my family.

Re: LpDND: Reunions

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 3:58 pm
by Dood
Maizan wrote:[ooc]Where do we post our updated character sheets to?[ooc]
There's a shared Dropbox folder that I'm keeping them in. If you have a DB account, I can share it with you. If you don't, I can still share it with you because I love extra storage space.

Re: LpDND: Reunions

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 4:03 pm
by Dood
Jimer Lins wrote:[ooc- someone confirm for me how much we were supposed to have gotten from the previous adventure with Heppil? I apparently forgot to update my character sheet with it]

"Oh, that's fine. I simply thought that it would be potentially useful. We can't destroy a stone tower by ourselves, and I don't want to be distracted unduly. We'll want to go back and check on it from time to time, clear out any new vermin that have taken up residence. " Trinal looks at the group. "That is, assuming we plan to both stay together and stay in this area."

Trinal gestures to Ham'mon. "Ham, show the Professor that thing you found. I couldn't make anything of it."
Ham continues to stare at the table, not really listening. He slowly looks up, a little confused and then digs through his belongings and tosses a small leather bag with singed hair fringe on it into the middle of the table.

[ooc]Also Ham has been cursing people in Draconic the entire adventure and also there's a big dragon-looking dude who probably also speaks it. Weird, I chose draconic somewhat at random (though I did have an RP reason for it), I didn't expect there to be so many draconic speakers.[/ooc]

Re: LpDND: Reunions

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 4:09 pm
by Blackferne
The Professor looks at the leather sack decorated with runes.

History check
Religion check
Arcana check

Re: LpDND: Reunions

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 4:11 pm
by Jimer Lins
[ooc- I chose it because as a sorcerer I have this "dragon magic" thing, so I figured it'd be a good way to connect with that heritage. Also, dragons.]

Re: LpDND: Reunions

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 4:27 pm
by Blackferne
After staring at it for a while he looks up.

"Well boys, looks like you found yourself a bonafide relic of Bha'al. Legend speaks of a Bha'alist wizard who had gone insane. Something about staring into the abyss, long story, kind of interesting, but it has a lot of build up and to do it justice I'd really need to get some books and refresh on the events leading up to it. Anyway, he started building a bone sword. It was imbued with magic and reportedly did great and mysterious spells turning the tide of many a battle. That was until he came across Eadred the Holy, a mighty paladin of Bahamut who held the famed warhammer Radiance. He smashed the sword in battle destroying most of the sword but a few bits of the hilt. Those bits were placed and sealed in a magical leather sack seen here. Supposedly Bha'alists believe that a chosen one can rebuild the bone sword and get revenge against Bahamut followers. And interestingly enough the sack itself is said to sometimes be capable of wild and unpredictable magic. But I don't know what the magic words are."

Re: LpDND: Reunions

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 4:33 pm
by Jimer Lins
Looking at the letter that Tony and the others brought back, Trinal asks for a bit of parchment and some ink. "I don't want to speak this out loud," he says, as he writes a translation in Common.

After a few minutes, he passes this around:

Code: Select all

To Loyal Subjects of the Spectral Alliance

Under the order of Consul Vlad the Ruthless and with full support of Viggo the Majestic you are ordered to prepare your forces. Our spies show that Bha’al is rising in power. In additions the barbarian blood letting cults of the east have revealed their devotion to Orcus and are enlisting demonic forces.

Both have sent envoys to court our support, however the wise consuls have decided to refrain from an alliance at this time. The terms offered by either side is unfavorable to the Spectral Alliance and the glorious consuls are confident in our ability to maintain a hold on the Eastern shelf from either threat. 

In addition, conscription of new forces is required in order to meet these new threats. Be careful in your actions and deeds, but be strong in your spirit and courage. The reckoning is near at hand, and we will decide the victors.

Keeper of the Records
Once he's done, based on what the Professor has said, Trinal would like to make another Legend Lore/History check, if you'll allow that.

Roll: d20+6=10+6=16

Re: LpDND: Reunions

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 4:53 pm
by Jimer Lins
Trinal looks at the Professor. "I remember more now that you've jogged my memories. There is a monument to Eadred in Sagemoor, right?"

Arcana check to see if I know what might activate it:


Re: LpDND: Reunions

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 5:07 pm
by Jimer Lins
"Hmm.... A lot of these runes are actually numbers, they go up to 20 at the moment- charges, maybe? ... but I THINK I know the control phrase." He chuckles. "Perhaps it would be best not to try it here, though. Do you mind if I hold onto this for a bit?"

Re: LpDND: Reunions

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 5:09 pm
by Jimer Lins
"Oh, in common, I think the control phrase is not a nice thing to say. The first word seems to be 'death'. Not sure about the others, but I know I could make the sounds."

Re: LpDND: Reunions

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 5:12 pm
by Blackferne
Jimer Lins wrote:Trinal looks at the Professor. "I remember more now that you've jogged my memories. There is a monument to Eadred in Sagemoor, right?"
"Yes there is. Very lovely marble statue of him. Great craftsmanship if I remember correctly." The Professor says.