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Re: LPDnD: I'm Sticking With You

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 7:33 pm
by Jimer Lins
I say route 1. Get it over with quickly. I will amend that if the snow is so deep that it won't make a time difference, in which case I would prefer option 2.

Re: LPDnD: I'm Sticking With You

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 7:40 pm
by Staris
Option 2. I want a scouting party to go to town first to make sure the coast is clear as I'm betting Brackton has sent patrols to the different towns as a part of their dragnet to find us and would rather not run into them on the road.

Re: LPDnD: I'm Sticking With You

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 7:48 pm
by Staris
[OOC can't guarantee but I could do the ritual Phantom Steed to ignore difficult terrain.

Re: LPDnD: I'm Sticking With You

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 8:30 pm
by Furiel
Quick retcon for the purpose of it's what I'd do...

Perception for searching the bodies [dice]0[/dice]

I vote option 1. It's cold, my feet hurt, there's slavers about and there are wolves.

Re: LPDnD: I'm Sticking With You

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 9:02 pm
by Whiteness
Option 1, let's get to town.

Re: LPDnD: I'm Sticking With You

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 9:48 pm
by Staris
[OOC unless Joun intervenes resulting in Jimmer going with option 2, option 1 has the votes.]

Before we proceed Stavis will perform Traveler's Camouflage and will ask if the group is ok with him and maybe Tony ahead of group to scout ahead when they reach the road for patrols and such.

Nature +2 Master Ritualist

Re: LPDnD: I'm Sticking With You

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 9:49 pm
by Staris
[OOC Ritual results

Stealth +5
Penalty to Find Tracks -5

Re: LPDnD: I'm Sticking With You

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 10:04 pm
by Furiel
[ooc]This is basically how Tony feels right now[/ooc]

Re: LPDnD: I'm Sticking With You

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 12:37 am
by Whiteness

Re: LPDnD: I'm Sticking With You

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 4:44 pm
by Blackferne
Party heads to the road. The snow is cold. you are cold. The new guys are extra cold, but moving helps despite how tiring it is. When you get to teh road you do see that it has been cleared somewhat. Franklin mentions that trading posts after a snow storm often take a team to clear some of the road. This makes the remaining travel much easier.

About 2 miles out from the trading post Stavis (anyone else) planned to scout ahead. He takes a stone.

Re: LPDnD: I'm Sticking With You

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 4:58 pm
by Furiel
I'll go with on the scouting trip making sure that either Stavis returns the stone he had to Trinal or I give mine to him.

Re: LPDnD: I'm Sticking With You

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 5:00 pm
by Staris
[OOC of I thought we killed a bear, did we skin it and did we collect what we could from the dead goblins? Since no one mentioned it I would be ok with we where too cold to think of it.]

"With as cold as everyone is, wait fifteen minutes and head on in unless I message to wait. If there is more then one tavern which I doubt might be best if we split up and do any communicating between the two groups through the stones." After saying his piece and waiting for any that wish to join him will head into town looking for any signs that there are guards from Brackton or that anyone for there had been by, warning signs, posters, and the like, though heading straight for the tavern unless stopped.

Re: LPDnD: I'm Sticking With You

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 5:01 pm
by Staris
[OOC I already returned the one I had had so it should be you and Trinal.

Re: LPDnD: I'm Sticking With You

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 5:41 pm
by Blackferne
Tony and Stavis sprint ahead to the trading posts location. As they approach they see a moderate sized building on the side of the road. The wood has been cleared on the other side of the road and has a fence at the start of the wood. It is covered in snow, but you imagine during summer it would be a grazing field for the people coming by. There are a few horses tied to the rail outside the trading post.

Re: LPDnD: I'm Sticking With You

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 6:18 pm
by Staris
Stavis will signal to Tony to give an all clear so far as they approach the building to enter.

Re: LPDnD: I'm Sticking With You

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 6:30 pm
by Furiel
"Yeah everyone can come on down, it's a post, 1 building, that's it..."

Re: LPDnD: I'm Sticking With You

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 6:32 pm
by Jimer Lins
The rest of the party will make their way to the post, per Tony's instructions.

Re: LPDnD: I'm Sticking With You

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 7:56 pm
by Blackferne
The rest of the party makes it there in about 15 minutes. Walking inside the post you are comforted by the warmth of a roaring fire.

"Hello!" a halfling says from behind the counter. "Great weather eh? Looking to buy or sell?"

Re: LPDnD: I'm Sticking With You

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 8:04 pm
by Jimer Lins
Trinal smiles at the halfling. "I think mostly buy, but first, we want to warm up a bit. Thank you for the welcome."

Re: LPDnD: I'm Sticking With You

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 8:11 pm
by Blackferne
The building has a large faire, a counter that the halfling was behind. Some stairs going upstairs and a door to the east. Also plenty of boxes of supplies.

"Well if you need something don't be afraid to ask. Are you looking to lodge upstairs?" the halfling asks.

A halfling woman comes from the door to the east.

Re: LPDnD: I'm Sticking With You

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 8:18 pm
by Jimer Lins
Stepping closer, Trinal says "I think it quite likely we'll be wanting to stay for at least the night. We'll need to get some better gear for my friends here - " he gestures at Franklin and Richard, "and..." he says, lowering his voice a bit, "I'm also wondering if you have any gems for trade, and information about the road further east?"

Re: LPDnD: I'm Sticking With You

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 8:32 pm
by Blackferne
"We don't have any gems in a rickety shack like this. Not this time of year anyway. Come back in the spring when miners start up and you might get something. As for gear, they'll need some furs I suppose with leggings and them ice pick boots. I cna part with two sets for 40g." he says "And as for east, this season is is just strays. Logging and mining seasons have come to a close and most of the workers have gone down slope. I did hear that Zelvo and Atrios got a few more helpers up near the ruins. But that's just rumors."

Re: LPDnD: I'm Sticking With You

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 8:51 pm
by Staris
"Room, definitely."

Stavis will pay for the gear, handing over 40 gold to the halfling "Execlent. You wouldn't happen to have any weapons, bow, arrows, and possibly a short sword or two. We had a bit of a run in with some goblins and would rather be a bit better gear there as well."

Re: LPDnD: I'm Sticking With You

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 4:21 pm
by Blackferne
The halfling looks over Stavis (who I assume is wearing a mask) and pauses. A look of concern and suspicion falls over his face.

"We sell some short blades and have a long bow and a few quivers of arrows..." He pauses. "Sir, can I see your face?" He asks Stavis.

Re: LPDnD: I'm Sticking With You

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 7:15 pm
by Staris
Stavis will act like "oh I am still wearing my ski mask" and will bow slightly as he take the mask off and active the spell Words of Friendship "The names Degris, and must say the improvements made have been fortuitous for me, I do wish my bretherin would get with the picture as its not like Lilth is really improving their lives." will put the ski mask away, with an air of importance like he is used to being the center of attention unrelated to him being a Drow, making sure the bag opens to show his lyre and temporarily pulling out his jesters mask "Though I do tent to wear my jesters mask while performing to keep from distracting from my performances, as I always say 'a good entertainer should merely be heard'."

Will look to the man finally but being sure to keep him from being able to respond "Oh I know what you are thinking, what is an entertainer like you doing in a place like this. Well it is a bit of story so I will keep it short, I've been traveling to collect materials for a mask for a very important performance coming up and had hired a bodyguard as precaution." Will indicate towards Tony. "Said bodyguard had made mention of a business venture that had the potential to pay him better then I was capable and so I was very willing to let him at the time as there had yet been any issue up to this point in truly needing one. So I had just left Brackton on my way to the next town when the issue arose" wrinkling his face in disgust for a faction of a second " and became all to aware that I had let my bodyguard go too early, but since he had already hired on I had no choice but to join in the groups venture until its completion. Though I am hopeful my cut will help in the materials or expenses for the mask I have still to get made."

He will then give a brief look of surprise "How silly of me the group mentioned rooms but failed to pay for." Stavis will put in the halfings hand, closing the man's hand around it, again not giving him a chance to respond "I doubt we will need more then one night so that should cover that." Will bow slightly again "If you don't mind I will head to my room and get out of the way to allow the rest to handle the weapons, as they will be a much better at handling that." as he leaves will pull out his lyre strumming it absentmindedly while humming a tune.

Diplomacy +5 Words of Friendship
Bluff if needed