LpDND: Reunions

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Re: LpDND: Reunions

Post by Dood » Tue Mar 11, 2014 5:13 pm

A check to see if Ham'mon is familiar with the relic

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Re: LpDND: Reunions

Post by Dood » Tue Mar 11, 2014 5:15 pm

Ham'mon don't know shit.

"This 'relic' - this sack is of Bha'al you say? It should be destroyed. I need know nothing of this sack to know that if it is of Bha'al, then it is an instrument of evil. This Sack of Bha'al must be destroyed, and swiftly before it can issue his evil forth."
fFormerly fknown as fDood.

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Re: LpDND: Reunions

Post by Jimer Lins » Tue Mar 11, 2014 5:21 pm

"You may be correct, but we may not even be able to destroy it. And I would be concerned about trying to simply burn or smash it, given that a holy relic was unable to totally obliterate it previously. Sometimes a tool is more dangerous to discard than to wield."
A man may fight for many things. His country, his friends, his principles, the glistening tear on the cheek of a golden child. But personally, I'd mud-wrestle my own mother for a ton of cash, an amusing clock and a sack of French porn. - Edmund Blackadder

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Re: LpDND: Reunions

Post by Dood » Tue Mar 11, 2014 5:25 pm

Jimer Lins wrote:"You may be correct, but we may not even be able to destroy it. And I would be concerned about trying to simply burn or smash it, given that a holy relic was unable to totally obliterate it previously. Sometimes a tool is more dangerous to discard than to wield."
Ham'mon stands, visibly agitated.

"And we won't know until we try! Crush it, burn it, cut it - this Bha'al Sack must be destroyed!"

Ham'mon stares, wild-eyed for moment, and then pushes away from the table and walks to the nearest window and stares outside.
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Re: LpDND: Reunions

Post by Blackferne » Tue Mar 11, 2014 5:33 pm

Victae goes to Ham'mon. "Being raised by a military leader in a citadel taught me that things are not good or bad, but merely tools. The person who wields it is the good or bad force. That thing may have been forged by evil people and done evil things, but it currently rests in our hands. This is now our burden. We know there are at least three factions of evil on the eastern shelf[Region of the continent you all are on]. It is imperative I think that we keep this safe with us, until; we can find a way to dispose of it. But there may be a time we need to use this tool for a greater good. Do you agree?"
Jounville Blackferne
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Re: LpDND: Reunions

Post by Dood » Tue Mar 11, 2014 5:40 pm

Blackferne wrote:Victae goes to Ham'mon. "Being raised by a military leader in a citadel taught me that things are not good or bad, but merely tools. The person who wields it is the good or bad force. That thing may have been forged by evil people and done evil things, but it currently rests in our hands. This is now our burden. We know there are at least three factions of evil on the eastern shelf[Region of the continent you all are on]. It is imperative I think that we keep this safe with us, until; we can find a way to dispose of it. But there may be a time we need to use this tool for a greater good. Do you agree?"
Ham'mon looks at Victae and then back through the window.

"Nothing is evil in the beginning. Even Bha'al himself was not so. I fear to carry his sack."

Ham'mon returns to the table.
fFormerly fknown as fDood.

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Re: LpDND: Reunions

Post by Furiel » Tue Mar 11, 2014 5:46 pm

"Tony Plush agrees that it would be best to destroy such a thing, however as the Bha'alists were defeated you would think that attempts to destroy them have been made it he past and they were unable to do so. Items of power such as this are incredibly difficult if not impossible to destroy. Tony Plush also believes it would be wise for us to not tamper with the bag at all or even attempt to open it or fully decipher how to do so. We keep it in our possession, as long as we have it and the bad guys don't we're winning because they aren't going to be able to do anything without all the pieces.

Tony Plush has some contacts that might be able to get us more information on if it's possible to destroy the relic and he will pursue that after this meeting.

Tony Plush is also of the opinion that it would be counterproductive for us at this time to pursue taking the tower as a base of operations. At some point it might be worth pursuing that tower but for now we have more pressing concerns and we do not know for sure that we will be staying in this area long term. Just because this is where we first caught on to the troubles does not mean this is where we will be staying long term. Additionally if we have a "base" it would then become a target of our enemies, and it seems we are on the verge of collecting a few. Mobility is an advantage when fighting a group with superior numbers, having no base of operations gives us the flexibility to move as the situation dictates.

Now the question is, what next? We know of 3 enemies now, this spectral alliance, formerly known as the vampire lord, the cult of Bha'al and now the barbarian cults as well. With what we have here does anyone see any leads on where to take the investigation next? Tony Plush suspects that this conscription of forces could be a clue and looking into other grave robbings or a spike of missing person reports could mean people being taken to be turned. But beyond that Tony Plush doesn't have any ideas on our next steps."
They say when you go on a quest for vengence to dig two graves. They underestimate me.

The Plush Family:
DPS - Furiel: Commando, T'ony: Slinger, Kessilee: VG, Ziraava: Sent
Tank - Montae: Shadow, Gaen: Guardian
Heals - Kam'ryn: Sage, Sabran: Soundrel

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Re: LpDND: Reunions

Post by Jimer Lins » Tue Mar 11, 2014 5:49 pm

"I agree that we should keep it safe. And Ham'mon's point about nothing being evil in the beginning is well-taken. Any objections to me holding it for now?"

Trinal goes on, "As to our next destination... I don't know. I suppose we could go to the shrine of Eadred in Sagemoor, but I'm not sure how useful that would be. We could also investigate these names. We have Viggo, Vlad, Stanislav and a couple of others. Maybe we can ask around to see if anyone knows these names."
A man may fight for many things. His country, his friends, his principles, the glistening tear on the cheek of a golden child. But personally, I'd mud-wrestle my own mother for a ton of cash, an amusing clock and a sack of French porn. - Edmund Blackadder

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Re: LpDND: Reunions

Post by Blackferne » Tue Mar 11, 2014 5:56 pm

Vicate says, "When it comes to conscription I think we should be vigilante against vampire attacks. If they are turning people to vampires they would be bolstering their numbers. Also ghosts like we saw in the crypt, or skeletons won't be easy to track a source. Ghouls however might be easier to find candidates since it is said those who take to cannibalism upon death becomes ghouls. If they are looking to raise ghouls it would be wise to watch what you eat going forward."
Jounville Blackferne
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Re: LpDND: Reunions

Post by Blackferne » Tue Mar 11, 2014 6:34 pm

As you discuss a familiar face enters the tavern. Sheriff Fastter enters the tavern and sees you assembled round the long table.

"Greetings. How did your quests go?" He asks as he approaches. Bran offers him ale but he waves it off politely.
Jounville Blackferne
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Re: LpDND: Reunions

Post by Furiel » Tue Mar 11, 2014 6:35 pm

"Trinal, Tony Plush isn't sure that you are the best candidate to hold onto the bag because of that the professor said. He said the bag itself is capable of wild and unpredictable magic and that is a concern. We do now know if or how it would interact with your powers. It's likely it would not, but that's not a guarantee, there are plenty of items out there that enhance magical powers just by being carried on your person. Tony Plush believes we would be better served having someone of a more martial discipline be the one to carry it for now for safety sake.

Also Tony Plush has some trepidation about using those names in any attempts to gather information. They are high ranking officials in their organizations, we would likely be better off investigating and asking questions about the organizations themselves at this time now that we have a name for the vampire lord's organization. That however is not Tony Plush's forte and he would leave that to others more capable than he. Tony Plush does believe that he is going to talk to the sheriff and hopefully Drayson as well and see if they have heard any rumors of large numbers of disappearances or something that would give us a place to persue the spectral alliance's conscription drive as that seems the next logical step in persuing them.

After that we should all get a good night's rest. There is no telling when we will get the chance again."
They say when you go on a quest for vengence to dig two graves. They underestimate me.

The Plush Family:
DPS - Furiel: Commando, T'ony: Slinger, Kessilee: VG, Ziraava: Sent
Tank - Montae: Shadow, Gaen: Guardian
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Re: LpDND: Reunions

Post by Jimer Lins » Tue Mar 11, 2014 6:36 pm

"Very well, but as with so many things, they raised more questions than answers." Trinal lowers his voice a bit. "Have you ever heard of a 'Spectral Alliance', Sheriff?"
A man may fight for many things. His country, his friends, his principles, the glistening tear on the cheek of a golden child. But personally, I'd mud-wrestle my own mother for a ton of cash, an amusing clock and a sack of French porn. - Edmund Blackadder

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Re: LpDND: Reunions

Post by Blackferne » Tue Mar 11, 2014 6:39 pm

"No Trinal, I have not. sounds ominous though. Were they the ones up in the tower? The Baron is hoping to be briefed in the morning assuming you were back." said the Sheriff.
Jounville Blackferne
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Re: LpDND: Reunions

Post by Furiel » Tue Mar 11, 2014 6:40 pm

[ooc]speak of the devil and he appears[/ooc]

"Sheriff, Tony Plush was just talking about coming to see you. Our quests were successful, both dens of evil have been thoroughly crushed and we have some more information on what appears to be going on in the area. We could go into some detail if you'd like however for our next steps the more important question we have right now for you would be have you heard anything about a rise in disappearances or attacks in any of the nearby villages or cities? We think that here or some of the villages nearby may be targets for one of the groups for them to conscript forces and we intend to put a stop to that."
They say when you go on a quest for vengence to dig two graves. They underestimate me.

The Plush Family:
DPS - Furiel: Commando, T'ony: Slinger, Kessilee: VG, Ziraava: Sent
Tank - Montae: Shadow, Gaen: Guardian
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Re: LpDND: Reunions

Post by Whiteness » Tue Mar 11, 2014 6:53 pm

"Tony, I'd be willing to handle the Bha'al sack, I posess both marital discipline and mental discipline. My powers come from my mind and may help contain whatever is inside. I think there may be a couple of us battling inner demons right now and they may not be the best to drop this Bha'al sack on."
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Re: LpDND: Reunions

Post by Jimer Lins » Tue Mar 11, 2014 6:59 pm

Trinal looks amused as he hands the sack over. "It's a sack with some chunks of a sword in it. Just because it has power doesn't make it a thing to fear, and it's certainly not going to do something on its own; it's clearly activated by a command phrase."
A man may fight for many things. His country, his friends, his principles, the glistening tear on the cheek of a golden child. But personally, I'd mud-wrestle my own mother for a ton of cash, an amusing clock and a sack of French porn. - Edmund Blackadder

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Re: LpDND: Reunions

Post by Blackferne » Tue Mar 11, 2014 7:01 pm

"The nearest village is 60 miles away, mostly it is farmland out here. I'll send one of my boys to check the next village up on shay's road, and the one down south. There isn't another village or larger settlement out on Howell's highway until after the mountain pass. What exactly do you mean by conscription? Who's raising an army?" the Sheriff asks.
Jounville Blackferne
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Re: LpDND: Reunions

Post by Furiel » Tue Mar 11, 2014 7:23 pm

Looking at Trinal "Call Tony Plush overly cautious but it's always best to take the overly cautious route when dealing with religious relics, especially when they deal with evil gods. Tony Plush has learned that from experience..."

then turning to the sheriff

"Their words, not ours, in a communication we discovered at the crypt, which was a lair of this spectral alliance Trinal mentioned and appears to be the name of the organization of the vampire lord Drayson may have mentioned to you. In that letter they specifically said that they needed to conscript new followers to deal with some new threats. Those threats were implied to be the cult of Bha'al and the barbarians in the east who apparently are followers of Orcus as both groups sent envoys to them seeking an alliance with them but were rejected. But either way an organization lead by a vampire lord intending to conscript people I can only imagine means making more undead, which requires bodies, either dead or alive, and the best place to get those enmasse is in or around towns. So we need to be extra watchful now and pursue any disappearances or even people acting strangely as those could be signs.

Oh and yes, Tony Plush is happy to meet with the Baron in the morning to report on our findings."
They say when you go on a quest for vengence to dig two graves. They underestimate me.

The Plush Family:
DPS - Furiel: Commando, T'ony: Slinger, Kessilee: VG, Ziraava: Sent
Tank - Montae: Shadow, Gaen: Guardian
Heals - Kam'ryn: Sage, Sabran: Soundrel

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Re: LpDND: Reunions

Post by Blackferne » Tue Mar 11, 2014 7:45 pm

The Sheriff tips his head. "I'll notify the baron you'll all be at his residence tomorrow. If possible please bathe before hand." He looks at Ham'mon when he says that.

With that he takes his leave.

The Professor says, "We have different opinions about who should handle the sack, who is most qualified etc. But I want to clarify that when I spoke of wild magic I didn't mean it changed a caster's intent, rather the stories go of it doing many wild and different things which is uncommon. For example my lute is a stringed instrument, so you expect it to sound like plucked strings. No matter the note it will still have that quality to the ear. If I had a drum it would sound like a drum. Now imagine if I had an instrument through magic that could sound like a lute, or a drum, or a horn? That would be wild indeed." He realizes he is about to dive into a tagent and catches himself. "Anyway in regards to the matter at hand, I suggest we take a vote. Syric and Trinal have both offered to bare the load of carrying it, Tony may be offering as well. Once we come to a consensus on it we should be done with that."
Jounville Blackferne
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Re: LpDND: Reunions

Post by Whiteness » Tue Mar 11, 2014 7:53 pm

"I'm ok with whatever is decided, but lets try to avoid handling the Bha'al sack too much and just stuff it somewhere safe."
Within 5 squares of Syric: +1 to Healing surges, +3 Diplomacy, +2 Intimidate, +2 Speed on surprise and 1st regular rounds
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Re: LpDND: Reunions

Post by Furiel » Tue Mar 11, 2014 8:03 pm

"Thank you for that clarification professor, in Tony Plush's experience he has encountered chaos items that do change the caster's intent and Tony Plush chose to be proactive if that was the case, but as it is not with this item then there should be no concern.

It has been a full day, unless anyone has anything further to discuss now then Tony Plush suggests we finish our ales then we get some rest. The Baron will likely want to see us very early tomorrow."

fitting his actions to his words Tony will finish his ale, assuming no one brings up anything new in a couple minutes game time Tony will head up to his room for the night.
They say when you go on a quest for vengence to dig two graves. They underestimate me.

The Plush Family:
DPS - Furiel: Commando, T'ony: Slinger, Kessilee: VG, Ziraava: Sent
Tank - Montae: Shadow, Gaen: Guardian
Heals - Kam'ryn: Sage, Sabran: Soundrel

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Re: LpDND: Reunions

Post by Whiteness » Tue Mar 11, 2014 8:13 pm

If it hasn't been done yet Syric will ask the professor to show the others the amulet we found to see if they recognize it, otherwise he will follow Tony's lead and head off to bed.
Within 5 squares of Syric: +1 to Healing surges, +3 Diplomacy, +2 Intimidate, +2 Speed on surprise and 1st regular rounds
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Re: LpDND: Reunions

Post by Staris » Tue Mar 11, 2014 8:14 pm

"I am ok with Trinal having the item but would ask that we keep its use to a minimum all the same. Mr. Plush has shown he will meet with the Barnon as will I. If anyone else wishes to and will need add in waking up early enough to make themselves presentable to the Baron speak now and I will be your wake up call. Should anyone not be present when we go and is presentable will assume the party member is going."

Stavis will stay long enough to give any the time to ask for the walk up call before paying for his meal and room by putting 8sp on the bar next to Bran.

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Re: LpDND: Reunions

Post by Blackferne » Tue Mar 11, 2014 8:17 pm

The professor complies. He pulls out a medallion held by a black ribbon. The medallion depicts a crow or raven fighting with a snake which has it's fangs visible. He places it on table holding the ribbon to lift it slightly to better show it, and points out the features.
Jounville Blackferne
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Re: LpDND: Reunions

Post by Dood » Tue Mar 11, 2014 8:21 pm

Ham'mon, thus far only looking at the tabletop again, notices the professor prodding the medallion and goes to look over his shoulder to see what it is.

fFormerly fknown as fDood.
