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Application for Darrec

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 9:44 pm
by Darrec
1. What is your name?

2. What is your attraction to the Church of Alvis?
I think everyone here has memories of horrible pugs in Wow or enchanters in EQ who couldn't mez. Just wanted to know there are people I can count on for decent groups and to laugh at my jokes because I am very funny and my ego needs the validation.

And Gartorn owes me money.

3. Please describe in detail your favorite gaming moment.
Ideally it would be something like this... ... ience.html

In terms of online gaming it would probably be when I played Dark Age of Camelot and the first time I was out in the frontiers. This was probably within a month or so of release so it was before the Emain zergs had formed. A friend and I were in the low 20's and wandering around in Odin's Gate spoiling for a fight. Out there was a glacier giant*, which was an enormous mob that was just kind of around to look cool. Between my dial up and crappy computer you didn't really see him from a ways off, he would just appear very close to you. I obviously screamed and sprinted the other direction, going the opposite of my friend who had been following me. Which at about the same time I passed him, the mob loaded for him causing him to turn and sprint in the other direction as well (the mob was marked as aggro though he wasn't really). In my panic stricken flight I ran towards some trees and upon reaching it finding there was a higher level hunter in there who was probably so busy laughing at us that he wasn't able to see straight but we managed to take him down mostly due to a string of lucky crits and him not realizing until too late that I was being healed by my friend. I might still have the screenshot of that killing blow somewhere on an old computer.

* (not the original model but you get the idea).

Re: Application for Darrec

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 9:54 pm
by Blackferne
Welcome to the altarsquid class of 2012!

And I'll make you a deal. You laugh at my bad jokes and I'll laugh at yours.

Re: Application for Darrec

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 12:52 am
by Veela