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Terror From Beyond borked with 1.6

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 2:55 pm
by Skiggity
Ran TFB SM last night, apparently the bugs we encountered are also in TFB HM.

The crazy jumping froggy after the Disney cave is gone, and so are his mats.

During the last night, only one of the adds pops up during the first tentacle phase, the left one.

In the final fight with the Terror, he casts the Hypergate Anomaly thing where the little spheres pop up, but no spheres appear. Nothing to attack, nothing to do damage to the raid. So basically, the raid gets a pair of 30-second breaks to get totally healed up.

They chests only had 2 each of Molecular Stabilizers and Synth Energy Matrices, so we finished the raid with just 4 of each (plus enough from reverse engineered BH implants to give everyone a Stab, so that was nice).

This could drive MolStab prices through the roof until they fix it. Although apparently reversing War Hero gear is a good way of farming Stabilizers....