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Jimer Lins
Joined:Fri Jul 30, 2010 10:53 pm

Post by Jimer Lins » Wed Jun 27, 2012 12:46 am

I got to fifty a few days ago. Then I did some end-game content- EV and a hardmode flashpoint.

Today I had a realization; the only thing left in the game is going to be doing the same thing over and over to grind for better gear to run the same thing over and over to grind for better gear so I can do... :woe: The only ticket to the top-tier content in the game is grinding for gear.

That doesn't seem like a lot of fun, to be honest. I'd never played a WoW-style MMO before this one, and now I realize why. The story of the game, the VO and all the rest really helped while doing my class quests and I really did enjoy the game. But now that I'm at level 50, I realized that my thought of going back and doing the other class quests wasn't any fun either because the vast majority of the content is repeated; class quests are only a portion of it and the story just isn't enough.

So, I'm cancelling my sub. It renewed a few days ago, so I'll be around for another month or so, but when I had the epiphany a little while ago that there wasn't any more fun to be had at level 50, and that all I really had to look forward to was repeating the same area over and over ad nauseam just to get the right loot drop... not so much.

The fact that my personal life has gone to about six shades of hell lately probably doesn't help much either. I'll still be around on the forums, of course.
A man may fight for many things. His country, his friends, his principles, the glistening tear on the cheek of a golden child. But personally, I'd mud-wrestle my own mother for a ton of cash, an amusing clock and a sack of French porn. - Edmund Blackadder

Joined:Mon Jun 28, 2010 6:53 pm

Re: So...

Post by Cuspar » Wed Jun 27, 2012 5:08 am

Sorry to hear that Jimer. Hope things improve on the home front.

Joined:Wed Jan 25, 2012 7:37 pm

Re: So...

Post by Darklinda » Wed Jun 27, 2012 6:13 am

yes when you die you should totaly lose your gear....

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Re: So...

Post by Leth » Wed Jun 27, 2012 6:38 am

Its not all bad Jimmer, just the initial gearing is a pain. After that it becomes a challenge to complete the harder ops. There is a lot of satisfaction in downing a boss the first time. Even the wipes can be entertaining if you dont let it get to you. I cant agree more about the gear grinding though. I am loath to use pugs. I had very bad times with them in WoW. I recomend sighning up for the hardmode and story mode ops(we still run quite a few) and just exploring the massive worlds Bioware built.
The Deacon of DPS

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Re: So...

Post by Leth » Wed Jun 27, 2012 6:40 am

Also, we should really get to work on more "silly" church activities. Hide and seek, attack of the naked Alvians ect..
The Deacon of DPS

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Re: So...

Post by Furiel » Wed Jun 27, 2012 1:56 pm

I'm sad to see you go Jimer, especially when you just got to 50. In some ways the game is just starting. Yeah, the hampster wheel of gear is annoying, but honestly most people don't like it. I don't play for the satisfaction of getting loot. I play for the satisfaction of beating Bioware at their own game. I play for the exhilaration of finally beating the challenge and getting that first kill on a boss. And for the hilarity that ensues when someone does something dumb and we get to mock them. The gear is a far second to the satisfaction I get from seeing bosses that have challenged us die. Last monday when Fornicator died I jumped out of my chair and did a stupid dance in front of my PC that noone else could see because he'd been cockblocking us for so long and we FINALLY killed his ass after months of dealing with his bad touch. Now Fornicator has to show on the doll where WE TOUCHED HIM!!

I guess my point in all this rambling is that before you go, sign up for some ops, do some HM FPs, see what end game is really like and do it with an open mind over the next month. I'd hate to see you leave without getting a really good taste of what the end if really about.
They say when you go on a quest for vengence to dig two graves. They underestimate me.

The Plush Family:
DPS - Furiel: Commando, T'ony: Slinger, Kessilee: VG, Ziraava: Sent
Tank - Montae: Shadow, Gaen: Guardian
Heals - Kam'ryn: Sage, Sabran: Soundrel

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Re: So...

Post by Maizan » Wed Jun 27, 2012 2:47 pm

Sorry to see you go. I was hoping to have joined you on a few daily runs and raid quests.

I will keep listening to your shows and posting to the irc, if I am on and have some time.

I also found that once I left an mmo, I had the nagging desire to go back and play it some more.

Hope to see you around.

Maizan Black'Rose
Sorry, got nothin.

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Re: So...

Post by Fynn » Thu Jun 28, 2012 4:43 pm

Furiel wrote:I'm sad to see you go Jimer, especially when you just got to 50. In some ways the game is just starting. Yeah, the hampster wheel of gear is annoying, but honestly most people don't like it. I don't play for the satisfaction of getting loot. I play for the satisfaction of beating Bioware at their own game. I play for the exhilaration of finally beating the challenge and getting that first kill on a boss. And for the hilarity that ensues when someone does something dumb and we get to mock them. The gear is a far second to the satisfaction I get from seeing bosses that have challenged us die. Last monday when Fornicator died I jumped out of my chair and did a stupid dance in front of my PC that noone else could see because he'd been cockblocking us for so long and we FINALLY killed his ass after months of dealing with his bad touch. Now Fornicator has to show on the doll where WE TOUCHED HIM!!

I guess my point in all this rambling is that before you go, sign up for some ops, do some HM FPs, see what end game is really like and do it with an open mind over the next month. I'd hate to see you leave without getting a really good taste of what the end if really about.
All of this. I LIVE for Ops. The toughest part is certainly grinding the dailies. It stinks trying to get some of those daily coms for the implants/mods/etc, but in my opinion it is nothing compared to the fun of raiding with great people. I laugh out loud, even in those stressful moments (to be honest USUALLY those stressful moments...that don't include me :shifty: ), I fist pump more that I care to admit, and I go to work absolutely exhausted (but extremely rested, if that makes sense). I, for one, would be willing to loan you 100K so you can buy some upper-tier mods on the GTN...if only to get you started raiding EV story. Darklinda did it for me, and the absolute least I could do is pay it forward. Also, I know we haven't run an EV story in a while, but it isn't unprecedented to put a run together on non-sanctioned raid nights. I know if I'm off I'll join you for heals. I doubt it would be too hard to get one together.

With all that said, though, if life is to much right now then straighten that out first. If, however, you are stressed out and need a good way to unwind...did I mention I love raiding?

And if you really do decide to leave, SWTOR and CoA will be losing a great player! :woe:
Fyyn Cob
'SWTOR Player. Healer. Scoundrel. You'll like him'

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